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React hooks 源码全方位解析

本篇博客对React17的Hooks源码进行了剖析, 目的是理解React的Hooks设计

1. useEffect


function useEffect(effect: EffectCallback, deps?: DependencyList): void;

对应的生命周期: Mount, Update, WillUnmount

deps发生改变的时候执行effectCallback, 如果依赖为空, 那么Effect会在Mount的时候执行一次

如果想在Unmount卸载阶段进行卸载监听和订阅, 需要返回一个匿名函数

Warning: 如果没有在WillUnmount阶段对监听和订阅进行卸载, 一直存在可能会造成内存泄露

import {useEffect} from "react";

useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove)

return () => {
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove)
}, [])


1.1 入口定义

export function useEffect(
create: () => (() => void) | void,
deps: Array<mixed> | void | null,
): void {
const dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();
return dispatcher.useEffect(create, deps);

1.2 resolveDispatch()

function resolveDispatcher() {
const dispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;

// ...

return ((dispatcher: any): Dispatcher);

1.3 ReactCurrentDispatcher.current

const ReactCurrentDispatcher = {
current: (null: null | Dispatcher)

1.4 源码在react-reconciler中的ReactFiberHooks

2. useState

2.1 fiber设计

function component中利用fiber保存了hooks列表

// TODO: first hook's action

type Fiber = {|
// 记录function component的hooks列表, 单链表结构
memoizedState: any


2.2 dispatchAction执行update

import {useState} from "react";

const [num, setNum] = useState(0)

调用setNum时, 实际上是调用了dispatchAction.bind()


// 环状单向链表
const update: Update<S, A> = {
eagerReducer: null,
eagerState: null,
next: (null: any),

3 useState and useReducer

3.1 理解

首先需要明白的是, useStateuseReducer这俩个hooksRedux的创始人Dan加入React核心团队后带来的变化

所以在理解这俩个hooks的设计理念的时候, 可以多想想Redux中dispatchaction的概念, 方便理解这俩个Hooks

function useState(initialState) {
// resolveDispatcher读取ReactCurrentDispatcher.current获取当前的dispatcher
var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();
return dispatcher.useState(initialState);
function useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {
var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();
return dispatcher.useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);


  • useStatebasicStateReducer

  • useReducer是我们自己传入的Reducer


Q1: 为什么采用了环状单链表的结构?

在调度阶段取得第一个initialState, 然后循环调用updateQueue,

执行update保存的action更新函数, 将计算后的state返回


4. useEffect and useLayoutEffect

4.1 useEffect

当我们修改了数据需要update, React 调用mutation之前会对副作用函数进行flush

执行flushPassiveEffects --> 然后执行flushPassiveEffectsImp


var unmountEffects = pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount;
pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount = [];
// 清楚所有useEffect的销毁函数
for (var i = 0; i < unmountEffects.length; i += 2) {
var _effect = unmountEffects[i];
var fiber = unmountEffects[i + 1];
var destroy = _effect.destroy;
_effect.destroy = undefined;

fiber.effectTag &= ~PassiveUnmountPendingDev;
var alternate = fiber.alternate;

if (alternate !== null) {
alternate.effectTag &= ~PassiveUnmountPendingDev;

if (typeof destroy === 'function') {

invokeGuardedCallback(null, destroy, null);

if (hasCaughtError()) {
if (!(fiber !== null)) {
throw Error( "Should be working on an effect." );

var error = clearCaughtError();
captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, error);

} // Second pass: Create new passive effects.

按照全部销毁 --> 全部执行 的顺序,确保ref的引用正确

注意: useEffect的更新是在layout阶段之后异步执行, 源码体现在这里

// 根据不同的fiber类型进行处理 --> commitFiberToLayout
function commitLifeCycles(finishedRoot, current, finishedWork, committedLanes) {
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case FunctionComponent:
case ForwardRef:
case SimpleMemoComponent:
case Block: {
// At this point layout effects have already been destroyed (during mutation phase).
// This is done to prevent sibling component effects from interfering with each other,
// e.g. a destroy function in one component should never override a ref set
// by a create function in another component during the same commit.
// useLayoutEffect --> 这里直接commit了,执行useLayout
commitHookEffectListMount(Layout | HasEffect, finishedWork);

// effect function --> 销毁和回调 --> 先进行了调度, 存在了俩个数组中, 并没有执行 --> 在结束后统一异步执行

4.2 useEffect和useLayout的区别:

  • useEffectcommitFiberToLayout阶段(Layout阶段)开启调度, 把回调函数和销毁函数保存, 在Layout阶段结束后统一异步调用

  • useLayoutEffectLayout阶段同步执行, 直接commit --> commitHookEffectListMount


5. useRef

总述: useRef --> 通往 mutable 的通道

5.1 是什么


function mountRef<T>(initialValue: T): {|current: T|} {
// 获取当前hook
const hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
if (enableUseRefAccessWarning) {
// do something
} else {
const ref = {current: initialValue};
hook.memoizedState = ref;
return ref;

function updateRef<T>(initialValue: T): {|current: T|} {
const hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
return hook.memoizedState;

export function createRef(): RefObject {
const refObject = {
current: null,
return refObject;


5.2 如何工作

机制描述 --> 通过topic来确定mutation操作

Reactcommit的阶段时进行mutation操作, 根据不同的effectTag来对DOM进行操作

effectTag是一个单纯的二进制, 通过位操作符的原理来进行比对时的优化, 不同的操作类型是这样的

本质上是一种 topic and mutation

export type Flags = number;

// Don't change these two values. They're used by React Dev Tools.
export const NoFlags = /* */ 0b00000000000000000000000;
export const PerformedWork = /* */ 0b00000000000000000000001;

// 这里的Tag标识了要对DOM进行何种mutation操作
// You can change the rest (and add more).
export const Placement = /* */ 0b00000000000000000000010;
export const Update = /* */ 0b00000000000000000000100;
export const PlacementAndUpdate = /* */ Placement | Update;
export const Deletion = /* */ 0b00000000000000000001000;
export const ChildDeletion = /* */ 0b00000000000000000010000;


1. render阶段

1.1 标记topic


function markRef(current: Fiber | null, workInProgress: Fiber) {
const ref = workInProgress.ref;
if (
(current === null && ref !== null) ||
(current !== null && current.ref !== ref)
) {
// Schedule a Ref effect
workInProgress.flags |= Ref;
if (enableSuspenseLayoutEffectSemantics) {
workInProgress.flags |= RefStatic;

1.2 何时赋值?


function commitAttachRef(finishedWork: Fiber) {
const ref = finishedWork.ref;
if (ref !== null) {
// 获取ref属性对应的Component实例
const instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
let instanceToUse;
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case HostComponent:
instanceToUse = getPublicInstance(instance);
instanceToUse = instance;

// 赋值ref
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
} else {
ref.current = instanceToUse;

总结下组件对应fiber被赋值Ref effectTag需要满足的条件:

  • fiber类型为HostComponentClassComponentScopeComponent(这种情况我们不讨论)

  • mount阶段存在ref属性

  • update阶段ref属性改变

2. commit阶段

2.1 移除之前的ref指向

function commitMutationEffects(root, renderPriorityLevel) {
// TODO: Should probably move the bulk of this function to commitWork.
while (nextEffect !== null) {
var effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;

if (effectTag & ContentReset) {

// 如果是Ref
if (effectTag & Ref) {
var current = nextEffect.alternate;

if (current !== null) {
} // The following switch statement is only concerned about placement,
// updates, and deletions. To avoid needing to add a case for every possible
// bitmap value, we remove the secondary effects from the effect tag and
// switch on that value.

nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;

上面可以看到, 如果是Ref, 执行了commitDetachRef方法, 这个方法清除了refcurrent指向

function commitDetachRef(current) {
var currentRef = current.ref;

if (currentRef !== null) {
if (typeof currentRef === 'function') {
} else {
// 移除之前的ref
currentRef.current = null;

2.2 根据topic确定mutation类型

function commitMutationEffects(root, renderPriorityLevel) {
// TODO: Should probably move the bulk of this function to commitWork.
while (nextEffect !== null) {
var effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;

if (effectTag & ContentReset) {

// 如果是Ref
if (effectTag & Ref) {
var current = nextEffect.alternate;

if (current !== null) {
} // The following switch statement is only concerned about placement,
// updates, and deletions. To avoid needing to add a case for every possible
// bitmap value, we remove the secondary effects from the effect tag and
// switch on that value.

// 在确定了effectTag进行的mutation操作之后, 需要进行处理, 处理逻辑在下面的switch中
nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;

在确定了effectTag进行的mutation操作之后, 需要进行处理, 处理逻辑在下面的switch中

// 这里是位操作符, React中的mutation对应的topic都是二进制(都是2的倍数), 如果你不太理解你可以把它当成 逻辑运算符 与
var primaryEffectTag = effectTag & (Placement | Update | Deletion | Hydrating);

switch (primaryEffectTag) {
case Placement:
commitPlacement(nextEffect); // Clear the "placement" from effect tag so that we know that this is
// inserted, before any life-cycles like componentDidMount gets called.
// TODO: findDOMNode doesn't rely on this any more but isMounted does
// and isMounted is deprecated anyway so we should be able to kill this.

nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement;

case PlacementAndUpdate:
// Placement
commitPlacement(nextEffect); // Clear the "placement" from effect tag so that we know that this is
// inserted, before any life-cycles like componentDidMount gets called.

nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement; // Update

var _current = nextEffect.alternate;
commitWork(_current, nextEffect);

case Hydrating:
nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Hydrating;

case HydratingAndUpdate:
nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Hydrating; // Update

var _current2 = nextEffect.alternate;
commitWork(_current2, nextEffect);

case Update:
var _current3 = nextEffect.alternate;
commitWork(_current3, nextEffect);

case Deletion:
commitDeletion(root, nextEffect);

在上文的switch结构中确定了mutation类型, 如果是Deletion会执行commitDeletion操作

commitDeletion——unmountHostComponents——commitUnmount——ClassComponent | HostComponent类型case中调用的safelyDetachRef方法负责执行类似commitDetachRef的操作。

function safelyDetachRef(current: Fiber) {
const ref = current.ref;
if (ref !== null) {
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
try {
} catch (refError) {
captureCommitPhaseError(current, refError);
} else {
ref.current = null;

6. 不同 Hook的 dispatcher


// 已经在Hook中,如果有嵌套的Hook throw 一个 Error
export const ContextOnlyDispatcher: Dispatcher = {

useCallback: throwInvalidHookError,
useContext: throwInvalidHookError,
useEffect: throwInvalidHookError,
useImperativeHandle: throwInvalidHookError,
useLayoutEffect: throwInvalidHookError,
useMemo: throwInvalidHookError,
useReducer: throwInvalidHookError,
useRef: throwInvalidHookError,
useState: throwInvalidHookError,
useDebugValue: throwInvalidHookError,
useDeferredValue: throwInvalidHookError,
useTransition: throwInvalidHookError,
useMutableSource: throwInvalidHookError,
useOpaqueIdentifier: throwInvalidHookError,

unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler,

// 挂载时的dispatcher
const HooksDispatcherOnMount: Dispatcher = {

useCallback: mountCallback,
useContext: readContext,
useEffect: mountEffect,
useImperativeHandle: mountImperativeHandle,
useLayoutEffect: mountLayoutEffect,
useMemo: mountMemo,
useReducer: mountReducer,
useRef: mountRef,
useState: mountState,
useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,
useDeferredValue: mountDeferredValue,
useTransition: mountTransition,
useMutableSource: mountMutableSource,
useOpaqueIdentifier: mountOpaqueIdentifier,

unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler,

// 更新时的dispatcher
const HooksDispatcherOnUpdate: Dispatcher = {

useCallback: updateCallback,
useContext: readContext,
useEffect: updateEffect,
useImperativeHandle: updateImperativeHandle,
useLayoutEffect: updateLayoutEffect,
useMemo: updateMemo,
useReducer: updateReducer,
useRef: updateRef,
useState: updateState,
useDebugValue: updateDebugValue,
useDeferredValue: updateDeferredValue,
useTransition: updateTransition,
useMutableSource: updateMutableSource,
useOpaqueIdentifier: updateOpaqueIdentifier,

unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler,
